Reservations are recommended for the Radisson Hotel at Cross Keys in Baltimore
For reservations:
Go to
Click on Reservations in the top left corner
When the Find a Hotel section comes up complete the form
At the bottom of the page enter Promotional Code - CCIC
Click on Find Hotels
Select the rate you want for Radisson Hotel at Cross Keys
You can also call Reservations: 1-800-333-3333 and say you are making a reservation for the CCICADA-Research Retreat 2011.
The address to Morgan State University for those coming in at Penn
Station is:
The University Student Center
4307 Hillen Road
Baltimore, Md. 21251
The phone number is 443-885-1825.
It will be held in Room # 316 from 9-6.
Directions/parking information for Morgan State and a campus map, can be found at the website:
Participants should contact faculty at your institution for assistance with travel expenses.
Document last modified on February 22, 2011.