Friday, April 1, 2011 7:00pm Dinner at the Radisson Hotel at Cross Keys in Baltimore 8:00pm Speech: Mike Roosa, CIO of MD State Police Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:10 Bus leaves hotel for Morgan State University 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome Fred Roberts, CCICADA Eduard Hovy, CCICADA/USC, Bill Pottenger, CCICADA/Rutgers, Dan Roth, CCICADA/UIUC 9:15 - 10:15 Invited Talks Linda Ness, Telcordia Fast Multi-Scale Data Analysis Algorithms 10:15 - 10:40 The Evolution Towards Decentralized C2 Marius S. Vassiliou, The Institute for Defense Analyses 10:40 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:00 Research talks - Selected New Projects The AWSoMe Project: Alerts and Warning with Social Media Charles File, Paul Kantor, Mor Naaman, Fred Roberts, Rutgers, SC&I and DIMACS Continuous Geospatial Monitoring of Catastrophic Natural Disasters using Twitter Congxing Cai and Eduard Hovy, University of Southern California (CCICADA) Entity Resolution of Terrorist Incidents Nir Grinberg and William M. Pottenger, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University Affect Segmentation and Recognition by Fusion of Facial Features and Body Gesture Shizhi Chen and YingLi Tian, The City College of New York 12:00 - 12:20 Discussion 12:20 - 1:45 Lunch 1:45 - 2:45 Research talks - Working with Information Networks Discrepancy Experiments on IP Traffic Datasets James Abello, DIMACS-Rutgers, Nishchal R Devanur, Rutgers University When Will It Happen-Relationship Prediction in Heterogeneous Information Networks Yizhou Sun and Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Evidence-based Trust Propagation Framework V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Dan Roth, Command Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA) Discovering Connections between and within DHS Centers of Excellence Hao Wang and Eduard Hovy, USC Information Sciences Institute 2:45 - 3:00 Discussion 3:00 - 3:20 Break 3:20 - 4:35 Research talks - Disasters and Risk Management The Stadium Evacuation Project Nina Fefferman A Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem for Optimal Evacuation Strategies in Disasters Manoj K. Jha, Francis Udenta,and Min Wook Kang, Morgan State University A new methodology for outbreak detection Adam Marszalek, Rutgers University JIT-Transportation Model Applied to Homeland Security Problems Xiao-Xiong Gan, Department of Mathematics, Morgan State University Strategies to Deploy Temporary Ambulatory Medical Services in Response of a Catastrophic Event Ahlam Tannouri and Sam Tannouri, Morgan State University and Belinda Kauffman, University of Maryland School of Medicine 4:35 - 4:50 Discussion 4:50 - 5:15 Break 5:15 - 6:00 Posters and demos Summarizing Textual Information In a Geo-Spatial Information Display System Congxing Cai, Eduard Hovy, University of Southern California (CCICADA) Modeling the BP Oil Spill Gilna Samuel, Morgan State University Infectious Disease and Families: The evolution of social complexity in the face of epidemics Brad Greening, Rutgers University A Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problem for Optimal Evacuation Strategies in Disasters Francis Udenta, Morgan State University An Exact Algorithm for Scheduling Multi-track Conferences Matthew Oster, Rutgers Center for Operations Research (RUTCOR), Rutgers University Innovation Patterns in Some Successful C2 Technologies Marius S. Vassiliou, The Institute for Defense Analyses COE Explorer Demo Wang + Hovy Shape-free detection of hazard materials and its application to counter-terrorism Guoping Zhang, Morgan State University 6:00 - 6:30 Wrapup discussion 6:30 Close and buses to hotel, Penn Station, and BWI airport
Document last modified on March 29, 2011.