Thursday, April 18, 2013 1:30 - 2:00 Arrival TSU 2:00 - 2:30 Welcome, Introductions - Opening Remarks Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Fred Roberts, Director, CCICADA, Rutgers, the State University of NJ Lila Ghemri, Texas Southern University Eduard Hovy, Carnegie Mellon University Self-introductions: Retreat Participants 2:30 - 3:30 Invited Talk Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 David Ebert, Director, VACCINE, Purdue University Visual Analytics: Effective Solutions to Real World Problem 3:30 - 3:50 Break and Poster Setup 3:50 - 4:40 Presentations - Session I: NLP and Risk Analysis Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Stephen Mayhew, UIUC - Robust Information Extraction from Multiple Source (20 min) Ping Chen, U Houston - Study of Two Critical Problems in Lexical Semantics (10 min) Hyun Duk Kim, UIUC - General Unsupervised Explanatory Opinion Mining from Text Data (10 min) Alper Almaz, Rutgers - Risk Analysis of the Vessel Traffic in Delaware River and Bay (10 min) 4:40 - 6:00 Visit TSU Museum and Hannah Hall - view John Biggers Murals Location: TSU campus 6:00 - 6:30 Posters and Demos - Session I Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Cindy Hui, Rutgers - (Demo) Modeling and Simulation Environment for Tradeoffs in Commerce and Security Candice Jean-Louis, Morgan State - Analyzing Entropy in Biosurveillance Ongard Sirisaengtaksin, U Houston - (Demo) Social Crime Real-Time Mapping for Mobile Devices Geo Visual Sense Making of Social Media Datasets Eduard Hovy, CMU - (Demo) WAT: A Web Archival Tool to Support Interdiction of Human Trafficking Bradford Greening, Rutgers - Cascading Failures in Interoperability Among Responding Agencies in Crisis Situations Priyam Mitra, Rutgers - Real Time Nuclear Detection Using A Network of Mobile Sensors Moussa Doumbia, Howard U - Non Severe, Severe, and Asymptomatic Malaria Cases Among Pregnant Women in Nigeria Duber Gomez-Fonseca, U Houston - Spatio-Temporal Data: Consumer Price Index 2001 to 2011 Alisa Matlin, Rutgers - Factors Affecting Processing Times in Stadium Security Patron Inspection Procedures Deepika Dhadral, U Houston - Navigation System for 3D Models 6:30 - 7:00 Posters and Demos - Session II Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Erin Hodgess, U. Houston - Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Texas Cities Brian Thompson, Rutgers - Association Mining via Co-Clustering of Sparse Matrices Xiang Ren, UIUC - Automatic Document Summarization: An Information Network Approach Alper Almaz, Rutgers - Risk Analysis of the Vessel Traffic in Delaware River and Bay Hyun Duk Kim, UIUC - General Unsupervised Explanatory Opinion Mining from Text Data Haruna Kibirige, Texas - Hot Event Analysis And Tracking on Twitter (HEAT) Jude Ugiomoh, Texas - Game Theory and Cyberbullying Fan Wu, Tuskegee University - High Performance Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer Simulation in Capillary Porous Media Using Programmable General Purpose Graphics Processing Units 7:00 - 8:00 Dinner Location: Sterling Student Center - Tiger Room 8:00 - 9:00 Invited Talk Location: Sterling Student Center- Tiger Room John Dyess, Chief Admin Officer for Sheriff of Harris County 9:00 Return to Hotel (shuttle) Friday, April 19, 2013 7:30 - 8:00 Arrival (shuttle from hotel) 8:00 - 8:50 Breakfast Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 207B 8:50 - 9:00 Day 2 Welcome Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 9:00 - 10:40 Presentations - Session II: Social Media Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Lila Ghemri, TSU - Accountability in Online Social Networks (20 min) Ongard Sirisaengtaksin, U. Houston - Social Crime Real-Time Mapping for Mobile Devices Geo Visual Sense Making of Social Media Datasets (20 min) Rui Li, UIUC - Towards Social User Profiling: A Probabilistic Approach for Inferring Users' Locations (20 min) Haruna Kibirige, TSU - Hot Event Analysis And Tracking On Twitter (HEAT) (10 min) Brian Thompson, Rutgers - Association Mining via Co-Clustering of Sparse Matrices (10 min) Yulia Tyshchuk, RPI - Social Media in Extreme Events (10 min) Jude Ugiomoh, TSU - Game Theory and Cyberbullying (10 min) 10:40 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:30 Presentations - Session III: Decision Making Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 238 Hans Chalupsky, ISI - RIPTIDE Learning Violation Prediction Models from Boarding Activity Data (20 min) Jacob Baron, Rutgers - Combinatorial Results on a Resource Allocation Problem with Simultaneity Constraints (20 min) Eduard Hovy, CMU - WAT: A Web Archival Tool to Support Interdiction of Human Trafficking (20 min) Bradford Greening, Rutgers - Cascading Failures in Interoperability among Responding Agencies in Crisis Situations (10 min) Cindy Hui, Rutgers - Modeling and Simulation Environment for Tradeoffs in Commerce and Security (10 min) Priyam Mitra, Rutgers - Real Time Nuclear Detection Using A Network of Mobile Sensors (10 min) 12:30 - 1:30 Lunch Location: Sterling Student Center - Room 207B 12:30 - 5:00+/-Field Trip: Houston Office of Emergency Management 5:00 - 6:00 Return to Hotel 6:00 - 7:00 Dinner Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel 7:00 - 9:00 Activity - to be determined Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel Saturday, April 20, 2013 8:00 - 9:00 Breakfast Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel 9:00 - 9:30 Invited Talk Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel 9:30 - 10:40 Presentations - Session IV: Models/ Algorithms Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel Mohsen Beheshti, University of Houston - Downtown/California State University, Dominguez Hills Intelligent Network Security Using Genetic Algorithms (20 min) Moussa Doumbia, Howard U. - Non Severe, Severe, and Asymptomatic Malaria Cases Among Pregnant Women in Nigeria (10 min) Candice Jean-Louis, Morgan State - Analyzing Entropy in Biosurveillance (10 min) Alisa Matlin, Rutgers - Factors Affecting Processing Times in Stadium Security Patron Inspection Procedures (10 min) Erin Hodgess, U. Houston - Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Texas Cities (10 min) Fan Wu, Tuskegee University - High Performance Solutions of Heat and Mass Transfer Simulation in Capillary Potous Media Using Programmable General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (10 min) 10:40 - 11:00 Closing Remarks Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel 11:00 2013 Retreat Concludes Lunch (carry-out)
Document last modified on April 15, 2013.