
Reconnect Workshop 2014
Reconnecting Teaching Faculty to the Mathematical and Computer Sciences Enterprise and
Exposing Researchers in Government and Industry to Relevant Current Research


Where: Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, MA

When: June 1 - 7, 2014

About Reconnect:

This CCICADA Summer Reconnect Workshop exposes faculty teaching undergraduates to the role of the mathematical sciences in homeland security and provides an opportunity to researchers in government or industry to learn about recent techniques in data analytics. Topics are presented in a weeklong series of lectures and activities; participants are involved in both research activities and in writing materials useful in the classroom or to share with their colleagues. Participants may develop materials for publication in either the CCICADA Technical Reports or the Educational Modules Series published by the DIMACS Center at Rutgers University.

About the Topic:

Forensics was traditionally described as training in the skills of public advocacy, including the development of evidence, and thus found one of its important venues in the law courts. As such, the term forensic has become associated with the art and science of legal evidence and argument. Today, CSI has brought attention to the field of criminal forensics as they attempt to solve crimes on television often three times a week. Forensics includes legal evidence and argument in a variety of areas, from criminal justice, to cyber forensics, to maritime forensics, to environmental forensics, and more. The Reconnect 2014 will choose of few of these areas and discuss the tools used. For example, fingerprint analysis uses graph theory, cyber forensics uses cryptology, CT scans are used across many forensics areas especially in marine mammal forensics, etc.

Organizers: Dr. Midge Cozzens, Research Professor at DIMACS Rutgers University and Dr. Laura Kelleher, Professor of Mathematics, Massachusetts Maritime Academy


Guest Speakers:

Registration fees, lodging, meals, and travel: US Academic participants: registration, lodging and meals will be provided through DHS funding. Non-US Academic participants: $350 Government participants: $350 For-Profit Corporation participants: $500 (includes all meals from Wednesday dinner to Wednesday lunch). Limited funds are expected to be available to waive part or all of the registration fee and/or provide partial support for travel.

Deadline for Applications: February 28, 2014 or until all slots are filled. Applications are to be submitted online at and will be reviewed as they are received.

For more information contact:Christine Spassione at or visit the Reconnect web page

Document last modified on May 6, 2014.